What’s All the Commotion about Saw: The Ride in Thorpe Park?
Thorpe Park Review presents Saw: The Ride. Have you ever wanted to ride a roller coaster that would test the limits of how much fear you can take? If you think roller coasters are fun and joyful experiences, then you have yet to ride the most terrifying coaster the world has ever seen. Saw: the Ride is the first horror movie themed roller coaster in the world.It scores a perfect 100% on the scariness charts as this ride will take you on a 100 degree plunge down a 100 foot drop that will surely top any roller coaster experience you have ever had in the past. If you don’t believe me, then you should see the videos for yourself. There is a preview video of the ride which you can watch on the Thorpe Park official website.
At first, I thought the guy in the video was just paid to look all scared as if he was literally about to be sawed alive, but it was enough to get me curious. The numerous positive testimonials at the bottom of the web page egged me on as well. I used my annual pass to get into the park that same day, just so I could try the ride for myself.
Saw The Ride in Thorpe Park is the Best and Scariest Roller Coaster in the World
On my way there, I saw people walking away from the ride. Some of them were really happy, although they looked like they were about to run to the restroom at any moment. Others were actually coming out of the restrooms after doing their thing. What’s more, some park visitors were actually crying because they did not want to get on the ride. I wonder what your reaction will be.As a roller coaster enthusiast myself, I was determined to ride Saw before concluding anything for myself, so got in place at the back of the long cue and waited for my turn. It was a good thing I was wearing shoes because those visitors wearing heels and sandals were not allowed to get on the ride. A really big fellow right in front of me was likewise not allowed to get on because the seat belts wouldn’t wrap around him.
So I rode the ride, and I have got to say it’s the most amazing roller coaster ride I have ever been on. I literally felt my stomach crying as I went down that 100 foot plunge. The second before the breaks let go was like the longest second of my entire life. I rode the ride 5 times straight that day, after which my seatmate had to carry me to the nearest bench because my legs had turned to jelly.
If you love the thrill of riding roller coasters, you should definitely try riding Saw: The Ride in Thorpe Park. You can use this Thorpe park coupon, in order to get a discount on your admission ticket.